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Read MoreBereavement is a response to any loss or death in which we are attached. It is a whole person response which involves our physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, and behavioral aspects of ourselves. The Valley Hospital social workers are available to assist patients, family members and the community connect to supportive services that can help them maximize their ability to cope through difficult times.
Bereavement services are an integral part of the services provided by Valley Health System. Valley Hospice provides highly trained, experienced and compassionate staff to offer counseling services for all members of the family at any point during the loved one's illness and/or once the loved one is deceased. Bereavement services for adults and children are also offered through Valley Home Care, with both group and individual support. Women's Services offers a monthly self-help support group for parents who are experiencing perinatal grief due to stillbirth, miscarriage or infant loss.
Bereavement Groups in Bergen County
Coping After Suicide®
Peer support groups are for those who’ve lost a loved one to suicide. Groups meet on Zoom so you can participate from wherever you live, and the groups are small and private. Offers specialized groups for survivors (e.g., fathers, mothers, siblings, partners, LGBTQIA+). Website has detailed information about costs and schedules.
Faith and Grief Ministries
Open to all faiths, these luncheons are offered on the third Wednesday of every month and provide opportunities for those mourning the loss of a loved one to gather together and be strengthened through sharing, scripture, prayer, and reflection. A complimentary lunch is provided, but donations are accepted. Register at For more information, contact the Christian Health Care Pastoral Care Department at 201-848-5839.
Grief and Loss Support Groups (CancerCare)
CancerCare provides free, professional support services for people who have experienced the loss of a loved one to cancer, as well as grief and loss information and additional resources. Groups are led by an oncology social worker for people to provide support to each other and share resources and information. Call 1-800-813-4673 for more information..
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Call 201-891-1651 or email [email protected] for more information.
Grief Support Group
Meetings will be held at Advent Lutheran Church, 777 Wyckoff Ave., Wyckoff, NJ on the 4th Wednesdays of each month from 6 pm to 7 pm. For more information, please call 201-891-1031 or email [email protected].
Hope and Healing after an Addiction Death
A bereavement group for those who have lost a loved one to the disease of addiction. Meetings will be held at Advent Lutheran Church, 777 Wyckoff Ave., Wyckoff, NJ on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm. For more information, please contact Ray Dibella at 201-981-2761 or Glynis Burke at 201-966-8344..
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey
Bereavement Groups for Widows and Widowers and for Adults Who Have Lost a Parent. Each group gives participants the opportunity to share with others who have experienced a loss, and to gain support and strategies to enhance coping as you navigate this challenging time. Contact 201-837-9090 [email protected] for more information on when/where this group meets.
Ministry of Loss and Healing
Offers referrals and resources for emotional and spiritual support, and social activities for separated, divorced, widowed and bereaved men and women. Groups are sponsored by various churches throughout the county and are open to people of any faith. Family Life Ministry, Newark Diocese. Call diocese for group information at 1-973-497-4327 or email [email protected].
Rainbows Youth Grief Counseling
Rainbows' programs help children who are grieving the loss of a parent or guardian due to death, divorce, deployment or trauma. Rainbows is offered to all area children ages 4 through eighth grade. There is no fee for the Rainbows program, which is fully sponsored by the Ridgewood YMCA. Participants receive free YMCA Program memberships. For more information, contact Megan Nayden at 201-444-5600, ext. 375 or email [email protected].
Survivors After Suicide
This support group is for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one through suicide. The group meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at Vantage Health System, 2 Park Avenue, Dumont, NJ 07628 and is facilitated by individuals who are survivors themselves. For more information please contact: Vicky Simpson - 201-790-6080 or Alyssa Fiume: 201-693-8956, [email protected].
Suggested Books
Awakening from Grief: Finding the Way Back to Joy – by John E. Welshons (Inner Ocean Publishing, 2003)
How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies – by Therese A. Rando (Bantam Books, 1991)
The Journey Through Grief: Reflections on Healing – by Alan D. Wolfelt (Companion Press, 1999)
The Wheel of Life – by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (Scribner, 1997)
Other Resources
Alliance of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivors
Provides online healing support and other services for people who are coping with devastating loss to suicide. Our online forum operates like a 24/7 support group. The website contains support resources and information on the survivor experience.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
AFSP lists U.S. and international suicide bereavement support groups as a public service to loss survivors. They do not run, recommend, endorse or fund any of the groups listed.
Center for Infant & Child Loss (University of Maryland)
Faith & Grief Ministries
Good Grief Resources – Bereavement, Loss and Grief Resources
Grief Recovery Institute
Griffin Cares Foundation
Rainbows For All Children
Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support
Surviving Suicide Loss - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention