We have a fully robust curriculum that provides comprehensive training and support. You will have access to care and experiences in all specialties of internal medicine, with a balance of inpatient, outpatient, and specialty education. Additionally, our curriculum incorporates time for both research and electives throughout the program.

  • Research:
    • Research and scholarship training and opportunities
    • Research Curriculum integrated into PGY-1 year
    • Dedicated research mentor
    • Research rotations built into your schedule starting PGY-2 year
  • Electives:
    • Inpatient electives in all specialties
    • Integrated outpatient elective experiences during Ambulatory blocks in all specialties
    • 3 elective blocks PGY-1 year
    • 4 elective blocks PGY-2 year
    • 5 elective blocks PGY-3 year
Inpatient14 weeks
Ambulatory14 weeks
ICU4 weeks
Electives6 weeks
Cardiology2 weeks
Geriatrics/Palliative Care2 weeks
VITALS2 weeks
Vacation4 weeks
Inpatient12 weeks
Ambulatory14 weeks
ICU4 weeks
CCU2 weeks
Electives8 weeks
Night Float2 weeks
Neurology2 weeks
Research2 weeks
Emergency Medicine2 weeks
Vacation4 weeks
Inpatient8 weeks
Ambulatory14 weeks
ICU4 weeks
CCU2 weeks
Electives10 weeks
Board Review2 weeks
Advanced Practice Readiness (APR)2 weeks
Vacation4 weeks

Sample Ambulatory Week:

AMSpecialty ClinicContinuity ClinicCommunity Project / Population Health / Panel ManagementRED (Resident Education Day)Continuity Clinic
PMBehavioral HealthContinuity ClinicSecond PC SiteRED (Resident Education Day)Continuity Clinic