This page was created specifically for parents as a compilation of reliable, trusted resources all in one place. To learn about our free, educational programs, join our membership to receive monthly emails and stay in-the-know with all things Thrive! Moms.
Dental Health Resources
Facebook Support Groups
Thrive! MomsOpen in new window
A discussion group for moms to connect with and support each other in a non-judgmental environment!
Mother's Milk ClubOpen in new window
A support group for all moms, regardless of feeding method, to connect with each other and Valley’s International Board Certified Lactation Consultants from the comfort and safety of home.
General Parenting Resources
General Safety & Health
Nutrition and Feeding
Valley Feeding Therapy
Valley's Kireker Center for Child Development offers feeding evaluations and treatment for children with varying diagnoses
Solid StartsOpen in new window
Introducing solids to your little one is such an exciting time but it can be stressful too! If you are dabbling with the idea of baby-led weaning, check out this resource to help ease some anxiety and feel better prepared for the journey ahead.
Life StagesOpen in new window
At every stage of life, it is never too early or too late to eat healthy.
Beginner Feeding
Tips and techniques for safely and effectively feeding baby.
Video: Making Healthy Smoothies
Positive Parenting Resources
Physical/Occupational Therapy
Valley Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Pediatric occupational therapy at Valley includes a therapeutic sensory gym, activities to develop motor skills, occupational therapy for NICU babies, and more.
Valley Pediatric Physical Therapy
Pediatric physical therapy at the Valley aims to help each child reach their full potential, with a full range of evaluation and treatment services for children from birth to age 21.
Pediatric Audiology
The pediatric audiology team at the Kireker Center for Child Development evaluates and diagnoses all types of hearing disorders in children from birth to age 21.
Postpartum Support
Trimester Education Classes
Valley offers free pregnancy education classes that help you understand what to expect from each trimester of your pregnancy. Classes take place monthly. Each class is run by a Valley nurse and includes information as well as a question-and-answer session at the end.
Valley Speech Therapy
Valley's certified speech-language pathologists evaluate, diagnose and treat all types of speech-language disorders in children from birth to age 21
Valley Support Groups for Moms and Families
Virtual Pregnancy Support Group - Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.
View Dates & Register
Valley Moms
Pregnancy and postpartum support group.
4th Trimester Moms Club - Fridays at 2:00 p.m.
Connect with moms during their first 3 months after baby.
View Dates & Register
Down Syndrome Family Network - 201-447-8278
Stepping Stones Bereavement Support Group
A support group for parents grieving a loss of a child.
For information: Contact Bonnie Schneider at 201-291-6345, or Rose Marie Ranuro, Butterflies Program Manager, at 201-291-6241.
Healing Hearts Bereavement Support Group
A support group for parents who suffered stillbirth or infant loss.
For information: Call Terry Grueter, LSW, at 201-614-6123.
Additional Support & Fun
Storytime Video: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Storytime Video: Bear Sees Color