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Saturday, October 26
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Cost: FREE!
140 East Ridgewood Ave., Paramus
Fourth Floor, North Tower
For siblings (ages 6 to 12) of children who have special needs.
Supported by The Joey Center at The Valley Hospital's Kireker Center for Child Development, Sibshops are run by a team of individuals, including a pediatric social worker and certified child life specialist, who understand the impact a child's special needs can have on brothers and sisters.
What to Expect
- Meet other siblings
- Have fun and laugh!
- Talk about having a sibling with special needs with others who "get it"
- Play great games
- Explore how siblings handle sticky situations sometimes faced by their brothers and sisters
- Learn about the services their siblings receive
Sibshops is held at the Kireker Center for Child Development, located at 140 East Ridgewood Ave., Fourth Floor, North Tower, in Paramus.
This program is free.
If you have any questions or would like to register, please email [email protected]. You will be sent a registration release form. Completed release forms need to be returned by October 18. Space is limited.