Patients at Valley LifeStartTM: The Center for Weight and Wellness have had tremendous success with weight-loss management and bariatric surgery. Explore the stories below to learn how Valley LifeStart has changed our patients' lives.

More Success Stories

A Life-Long Commitment to Healthy Weight

While Judy Marc has always led a healthy lifestyle, several contributing factors caused her to continue to gain weight. After several medications and no success, Judy turned to weight-loss surgery at Valley.

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A Dream Come True from Surgical Weight Loss

For years, Bruce Van Tassel struggled with his weight, but it wasn’t until November of 2022 that he decided to come to Valley to start his weight loss journey.

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Losing Weight Together

Donna & Bill Gundlach

Donna and Bill Gundlach have always enjoyed doing things as a couple - even having bariatric surgery. With a total weight loss of 135 pounds, they're now living healthier, happier lives.

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A Life in Motion

Christine Pietroburgo

For 15 years, Christine Pietroburgo struggled with losing weight. As her 30s came to a close, she knew it was time to reclaim her life, starting with weight-loss surgery. 

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A Family Affair

Albert, Kenneth and Jose Verona

Losing weight and staying healthy is a family affair for Albert, Kenneth and Jose Verona, all of whom have undergone weight-loss surgery at Valley.

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Reclaiming Confidence

Shirley Fischer

Issues with her weight caused Shirley Fischer to become insecure and lose her confidence, but thanks to the support of Valley's bariatric surgery team, she's happier and healthier than ever before.

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Turning His Life Around

Brian Peters’ life was out of control. He knew something needed to be done and, through the help of Valley Medical Group’s Melissa Bagloo, MD, he was able to get his life back on track in ways too numerous to mention. 

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An Athlete's Journey

A lifelong athlete, Amanda Slavin struggled with weight gain that prevented her from doing the activities she loved. When diets didn't work, she turned to Valley's bariatric surgery team and lost more than 100 pounds.

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