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Read MoreValley’s Urogynecology program offers treatment and diagnostic services for pelvic floor and other gynecologic disorders. The program offers both surgical and non-surgical options.
Urogynecology Non-surgical Treatments and Diagnostic Services
- Urodynamic testing
- Cystoscopy
- Pessary fitting
- Botox bladder (intradetrusor) injections
- Bladder instillations
- Bulking urethral injections
- Neuro stimulation of the pelvic floor (Interstim) and PTNS (peripheral tibial nerve stimulation)
- Bladder re-training
- Referral for pelvic floor physical therapy/biofeedback
- Bulkamid® urethral bulking injection
Urogynecology Surgery
Our program offers a variety of surgical procedures. Below is a short list of the most commonly performed urogynecology treatments and procedures:
- Robotic urogynecologic surgery
- Laparoscopic surgery - minimally invasive procedures
- Robotic sacrocolpopexy
- Suburethral sling / pubovaginal sling
- TVT tension free vaginal tape
- Vaginal surgery for prolapse repair
- Native tissue repair
- Vaginal repair with mesh
- Biologic graft repair
- Sacrospinous fixation
- Uterosacral suspension
- Hysteropexy (uterine suspension)
- Anterior repair (colporrhaphy)
- Posterior repair (colporrhaphy)