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Read MoreA home infant monitor is designed to continuously measure your baby’s breathing and heart rate. It is designed to alert the caregiver of significant changes in your baby’s breathing or heart rate.
A home monitor is usually prescribed for infants who:
- Are diagnosed with unresolved sleep apnea
- Are the sibling of a SIDS victim
- Have gastroesophageal reflux potentially affecting breathing patterns
- Have a history of apparent life-threatening event (ALTE), also known as brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE). BRUE occurs in infants younger than 1 year when an observer reports a sudden, brief and resolved episode from one or more of the following: cyanosis or pallor; absent, decreased, or irregular breathing; marked change in tone (increased or decreased); or altered level of responsiveness
Before your baby's discharge from the hospital, the Pediatric Sleep Disorders and Apnea Center will arrange for a durable medical equipment provider to deliver the monitor and its related supplies to you. They will ensure that you and all caregivers:
- Receive CPR training
- Are taught exactly how to respond to any alarms including instructions on when and whom to call
After the hospital discharge and throughout the time your child requires home monitoring, the center’s staff will be available to answer questions, address concerns and provide the support and guidance you need to care for your infant.
The recordings from the monitor will be transmitted to our center for evaluation, and our specialty trained physician will examine your baby. During this time, we will discuss with you the information recorded by the monitor, track your baby’s progress and make recommendations regarding further treatment. We will also work with your pediatrician to coordinate other necessary medical services.