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Brian Luke Seaward, PhD
Brian Luke Seaward, PhD is regarded internationally as one of the foremost experts in the field of stress management/resiliency and a pioneer in the fields of mind-body-spirit healing and corporate health promotion. For over two decades, Dr. Seaward taught on the faculty of the University of Colorado (Boulder) and the Consortium of Public Health for the University of Northern Colorado (Greeley) and was an esteemed invited guest lecturer for Jean Watson’s Center for Human Caring (Denver, CO). Most recently, he served on the faculty of Salem University’s Integrative Health Institute. Dr. Seaward is the Executive Director of the Paramount Wellness Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and is a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association. Dr. Seaward has authored more than 20 books, including the leading college textbook, Managing Stress (11E), and the best-selling book, "Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water".
He can be contacted at