Recent Publications

We are pleased to present recent publications from our doctors at the Valley Heart and Vascular Institute.


Heart Rhythm O2

Heart Rhythm O2

Correlation between mobile and 12-lead ECG among patients loading with intravenous sotalol: A PEAKS substudy

Steinberg, B.A., Mittal, S., Holubkov, R., Groh, C.A., Kennedy, R., Pokharel, P., Perez, M., Savona, S.J., Verma, N., Watt, K., Piccini, J.P., Bunch, T.J., & Deering, T.F. (2025).

SCAI Interventional Cardiology Review

SCAI Interventional Cardiology Review

SCAI Interventional Cardiology Review

Rahim, H., Sohal, S., & Tayal, R.(2024). 

Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions

Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions

Short-Term Mechanical Circulatory Support for Cardiogenice Shock

Tayal, R., & Grewal, J. (2024). 


Circulation: Arrhythmia and ElectrophysiologyCirculation: Arrythmia and Electrophysiology

Inappropriate Therapy and Shock Rates Between the Subcutaneous and Transvenous Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator: A Secondary Analysis of the PRAETORIAN Trial

Olde Nordkamp, L.R.A., Pepplinkhuizen, S., Ghani, A., Boersma, L.V.A., Kuschyk, J., El-Chami, M.F., Behr, E.R., Brouwer, T.F., Kaab, S., Mittal, S., Quast, A.B.E., van der Stuijt, W., Smeding, L., de Veld, J.A., Tijssen, J.G.P., Bijsterveld, N.R., Richter, S., Brouwer, M.A., de Groot, J.R., … PRAETORIAN Investigators (2024).  

Heart Rhythm O2Heart Rhythm O2

Use of Continuous Cardiac Monitoring to Assess the Influence of Atrial Fibrillation Burden and Patterns on Patient Symptoms and Healthcare Utilization: The DEFINE AFib Study

Lakkireddy, D.R., Russo, A.M., Hylek, E.M., Mittal, S., Peacock, J., Hills, M.T., Stanelle, E.J., Lande, J.D., Franco, N.C., Johnson, L.C., Kanwar, R., Passman, R.S., & Piccini, J.P. (2024). 

JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions

Conduction Disturbances After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: An Update on Epidemiology, Preventive Strategies, and Management

Nuche, J., Ellenbogen, K.A., Mittal, S., Windecker, S., Benavent, C., Philippon, F., & Rodés-Cabau, J. (2024)

Circulation: Arrhythmia and ElectrophysiologyCirculation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology

Using atrial fibrillation burden trends and machine learning to predict near-term risk of cardiovascular hospitalization. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology

Peacock, J., Stanelle, E.J., Johnson, L.C., Hylek, E.M., Kanwar, R., Lakkireddy, D.R., Mittal, S., Passman, R.S., Russo, A.M., Soderlund, D., Hills, M.T., & Piccini, J.P. (2024)

Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology

Performance of Atrial Fibrillation Burden Trends for Stroke Risk Stratification

Piccini, J.P., Stanelle, E.J., Johnson, C.C., Hylek, E.M., Kanwar, R., Lakkireddy, D.R., Mittal, S., Peacock, J., Russo, A.M., Soderlund, D., Hills, M.T., & Passman, R.S. (2024)

Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Non-Invasively Measured Myocardial Torsional Modulus: Comparison to Invasive Evaluation of Diastolic Function

Aufan, M.R., Gupta, H., Sharifov, O.F., Perry, G.J., Denney Jr., T.S., & Lloyd, S.G. (2024)

Cardiovascular Pathology

Serotonin transporter deficiency in mice results in an increased susceptibility to HTR2B-dependent pro-fibrotic mechanisms in the cardiac valves and left ventricular myocardium

Castillero, E., Camillo, C., Levine, D., D'Angelo, A.M., Kosuri, Y., Grau, J.B., Levy, R.J., & Ferrari, G. (2024)


Somatostatin receptors in fibrotic myocardium

Castillero, E., Camillo, C., Erwin, W.C., Singh, S., Mohamoud, N., George, I., Eapen, E., Dockery, K., Ferrari, G., & Gupta, H. (2024)

Heart Rhythm

Ineffective cardiac resynchronization pacing is associated with poor outcomes in a nationwide cohort analysis

Robbins-Juarez S.Y., Mittal S., Plummer C., Koehler J.L., Stadler R.W., Ghosh S., Klepfer R.N., & Piccini J.P. (2024)

Heart Rhythm

Prevalence, timing, and impact of early recurrence of atrial tachyarrhythmias after pulsed field ablation: A secondary analysis of the PULSED AF trial

Boersma, L.V.A., Natale, A., Haines, D., DeLurgio, D., Sood, N., Marchlinski, F., Calkins, H., Hoyt, R.H., Sanders, P., Irwin, J., Packer, D., Mittal, S., Durrani, S., DiBiase, L., Sangrigoli, R., Tada, H., Sasano, T., Tomita, H., Yamane, T., … Verma, A. (2024)

European Heart Journal

Prospective deep learning-based quantitative assessment of coronary plaque by ct angiography compared with intravascular ultrasound

Narula, J., Stuckey, T.D., Nakazawa, G., Ahmadi, A., Matsumura, M., Petersen, K., Mirza, S., Ng, N., Mullen, S., Schaap, M., Leipsic, J., Rogers, C., Taylor, C.A., Yacoub, H., Gupta, H., Matsuo, H., Rinehart, S., & Maehara, A. (2024)

Recent Strategies in High Risk Surgery

Multidimensional frailty instruments for cardiac surgery

Jabagi, H., Haddad, T., Sun, L.Y. (2024)

Heart Rhythm

The potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize health care delivery, research, and education in cardiac electrophysiology

Al-Khatib, S.M., Singh, J.P., Ghanbari, H., McManus, D.D., Deering, T.F., Avari Silva, J.N., Mittal, S., Krahn, A., & Hurwitz, J.L. (2024)

European Heart Journal

Coronary bypass surgery guided by computed tomography in a low-risk population

Serruys, P.W., Kageyama, S., Pompilio, G., Andreini, D., Pontone, G., Mushtaq, S., La Meir, M., De Mey, J., Tanaka, K., Doenst, T., Teichgräber, U., Schneider, U., Puskas, J.D., Narula, J., Gupta, H., Agarwal, V., Leipsic, J., Masuda, S., Kotoku, N., … Onuma, Y. (2024)

Heart Rhythm

Effects of envelopes on cardiac implantable electronic device pocket healing: A head-to-head preclinical evaluation

Virmani, R., Philippon, F., Mittal, S., Finn, A., Kudlik, D., Kirchhof, N., Lexcen, D., & Kassotis, J. (2024)


Pulmonary vein isolation with or without left atrial appendage ligation in atrial fibrillation: The aMAZE randomized clinical trial

Lakkireddy, D.R., Wilber, D.J., Mittal, S., Tschopp, D., Ellis, C.R., Rasekh, A., Hounshell, T., Evonich, R., Chandhok, S., Berger, R.D., Horton, R., Hoskins, M.H., Calkins, H., Yakubov, S.J., Simons, P., Saville, B.R., Lee, R.J., & aMAZE Investigators (2024)

JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology

Mortality benefit among primary prevention implantable cardioverter defibrillator recipients on contemporary heart failure treatment

Ahmed, A., Auricchio, A., Mittal, S., Pickett, R.A., Wilkoff, B.L., Jacobsen, L.D., Marti, A.K., Holbrook, R.W., Soderlund, D.M., & Curtis, A.B. (2024)

Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology

One-year outcomes of pulmonary vein isolation with a novel cryoballoon: Primary results of the FROZEN AF trial

Ellenbogen, K.A., Mittal, S., Varma, N., Aryana, A., Marrouche, N., Anić, A., Nair, D., Champagne, J., Iacopino, S., de Asmundis, C., Weiner, S., Makati, K., Raybuck, J.D., Richards, E., & Su, W. (2024)

journal of ctJournal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

Rationale and design of the CONFIRM2 (Quantitative COroNary CT Angiography Evaluation For Evaluation of Clinical Outcomes: An InteRnational, Multicenter Registry) study

van Rosendael, A.R., Crabtree, T., Bax, J.J., Nakanishi, R., Mushtaq, S., Pontone, G., Andreini, D., Buechel, R.R., Gräni, C., Feuchtner, G., Patel, T.R., Choi, A.D., Al-Mallah, M., Nabi, F., Karlsberg, R.P., Rochitte, C.E., Alasnag, M., Hamdan, A., Cademartiri, F., … Gupta, H., & CONFIRM 2 investigators (2024)

cover of cardiovascular imaging journalInternational Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging

Spironolactone improves left atrial function and atrioventricular coupling in patients with resistant hypertension

Girard, A.A., Denney, T.S., Gupta, H., Dell'Italia, L.J., Calhoun, D.A., Oparil, S., Sharifov, O.F., & Lloyd, S.G. (2023)

cover of european heart journal digital healthEuropean Heart Journal Digital Health

Feasibility and accuracy of real-time 3D-holographic graft length measurements

Tsai, T.Y., Kageyama, S., He, X., Pompilio, G., Andreini, D., Pontone, G., La Meir, M., De Mey, J., Tanaka, K., Doenst, T., Puskas, J., Teichgräber, U., Schneider, U., Gupta, H., Leipsic, J., Garg, S., C Revaiah, P., Stanuch, M., Skalski, A.,… Serruys, P.W. (2023)

European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging

Impact of atherosclerosis imaging-quantitative computed tomography on diagnostic certainty, downstream testing, coronary revascularization and medical therapy: The CERTAIN study

Nurmohamed, N.S., Cole, J.H., Budoff, M., Karlsberg, R.P., Gupta, H., Sullenberger, L.E., Quesada, C.G., Rahban, H., Woods, K.M., Uzzilia, J.R., Purga, S.L., Aquino, M., Hoffmann, U., Min, J.K., Earls, J.P., & Choi, A.D. (2024)

heart rhythmHeart Rhythm

Expedited loading with intravenous sotalol is safe and feasible - primary results of the prospective evaluation analysis and kinetics of IV sotalol (PEAKS) registry

Steinberg, B.A., Holubkov, R., Deering, T., Groh, C.A., Mittal, S., Kennedy, R., Pokharel, P., Perez, M., Savona, S., Verma, N., Watt, K., Piccini, J.P., & Bunch, T.J. (2024)

ehjEuropean Heart Journal

Tricuspid valve disease and cardiac implantable electronic devices

Andreas, M., Burri, H., Praz, F., Soliman, O., Badano, L., Barreiro, M., Cavalcante, J.L., de Potter, T., Doenst, T., Friedrichs, K., Hausleiter, J., Karam, N., Kodali, S., Latib, A., Marijon, E., Mittal, S., Nickenig, G., Rinaldi, A., Rudzinski, P., … Leclercq, C. (2024)

american heart journalAmerican Heart Journal

Comparative effectiveness and healthcare utilization for ambulatory cardiac monitoring strategies in Medicare beneficiaries

Reynolds, M.R., Passman, R., Swindle, J., Mohammadi, I., Wright, B., Boyle, K., Turakhia, M.P., & Mittal, S. (2024)


aortic valve repair textbookIn H. A. Vohra, L. De Kerchcove, & G. El Khourv (Eds.) El Khoury’s Textbook of Aortic Valve Repair. Nova Medicine Health

Bicuspid Aortic Valve – Anatomy, Echocardiography, and Surgical Techniques

Jabagi, H., & Boodhwani, M.

jaccJACC: Clinical Electrophysiology

Sex-related differences in ventricular tachyarrhythmia events in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and prior ventricular tachyarrhythmias

Krzowski, B., Kutyifa, V., Vloka, M., Huang, D.T., Attari, M., Aktas, M., Shah, A.H., Musat, D., Rosenthal, L., McNitt, S., Polonsky, B., Schuger, C., Natale, A., Ziv, O., Beck, C., Daubert, J.P., Goldenberg, I., & Zareba, W. (2023)

cardiovascular digital healthCardiovascular Digital Health Journal

Using technology to improve reconnection to remote monitoring in cardiac implantable electronic device patients

Durand, J., Bonnet, J-L. Lazarus, A., Taieb, J., Rosier, A., & Mittal, S. (2023)

journalJournal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions

Management of postprocedural conduction disturbances using a prespecified algorithm in the optimize PRO study

Grubb, K.J., Yakubov, S.J., Nazif, T.M., Mittal, S., Gada, H., Fraser, D.G.W., Rovin, J.D., Khalil, R., Pyo, R.T., Sharma, S.K., Ahmed, M., Huang, J., Rodes-Cabau, J. (2023)

jcctJournal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

Coronary computed tomography angiography-based SYNTAX score for comprehensive assessment of advanced coronary artery disease

Kageyama, S., Serruys, P.W., Kotoku, N., Garg, S., Ninomiya, K., Masuda, S., Morel, M., Taylor, C.A., Rogers, C., Thomsen, B., Pontone, G., Pompilio, G., Puskas, J.D., Doenst, T., La Meir, M., Teichgräber, U., Gupta, H., De Mey, J., Andreini, D., & Onuma, Y. (2023)

tayal and rahimCurrent Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine

Large-bore access and closure: Optimizing vascular access and management of complications

Rahim, H., Rahim, M. & Tayal, R. (2023)

jabagi and grauReviews in Cardiovascular Medicine

Implications of bicuspid aortic valve disease and aortic stenosis/insufficiency as risk factors for thoracic aortic aneurysm

Jabagi, H., Levine, D., Gharibeh, L., Camillo, C., Castillero, E., Ferrari, G., Takayama, H., Grau, J.B. (2023)

guptaInternational Journal of Cardiology

Coronary artery disease is associated with impaired atrial function regardless of left ventricular filling pressure

Sharifov, O.F., Denney, T.S., Jr, Girard, A.A., Gupta, H., & Lloyd, S.G. (2023)

francis kimCirculation: Cardiovascular Interventions

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement and impact of subclinical leaflet thrombosis in low-risk patients: LRT trial 4-year outcomes

"Waksman, R., Bhogal, S., Gordon, P., Ehsan, A., Wilson, S.R., Levitt, R., Parikh, P., Bilfinger, T., Hanna, N., Buchbinder, M., Asch, F.M., Kim, F.Y., Weissman, G., Ben-Dor, I., Shults, C.C., Ali, S., Sutton, J.A., Shea, C., Zhang, C., Garcia-Garcia, H.M., … Rogers, T. (2023)

heart rhythmHeart Rhythm

2023 HRS/EHRA/APHRS/LAHRS expert consensus statement on practical management of the remote device clinic

Ferrick, A.M., Raj, S.R., Deneke, T., Kojodjojo, P., Lopez-Cabanillas, N., Abe, H., Boveda, S., Chew, D.S., Choi, J.I., Dagres, N., Dalal, A.S., Dechert, B.E., Frazier-Mills, C.G., Gilbert, O., Han, J.K., Hewit, S., Kneeland, C., Mirza, S.D., Mittal, S.,…Varma, N. (2023)

trends in cardiovascular medicineTrends in Cardiovascular Medicine

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation versus surgical aortic valve replacement in chronic kidney disease: Meta-analysis of reconstructed time-to-event data

Jacquemyn, X., Van den Eynde, J., Iwens, Q., Billiau, J., Jabagi, H., Serna-Gallegos, D., Chu, D., Sultan, I., & Sá, M.P. (2023).

circulationCirculation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology

Randomized trial of stand-alone use of the antimicrobial envelope in high-risk cardiac device patients

Ellis, C.R., Greenspon, A.J., Andriulli, J.A., Gould, P.A., Carillo, R., Kolek, M.J., Donegan, R., Amaral, A.P., & Mittal, S. (2023).

heart rhythmHeart Rhythm

Early mortality after inpatient versus outpatient catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation

Obeid, M. J., Zhou, J., Sale, A. J., Longacre, C., Zeitler, E. P., Andrade, J., Mittal, S., & Piccini, J. P. (2023).

advancesCirculation: Arrhythmia and electrophysiology

Advances in cardiac electrophysiology

Piccini, J. P., Russo, A. M., Sharma, P. S., Kron, J., Tzou, W., Sauer, W., Park, D. S., Birgersdotter-Green, U., Frankel, D. S., Healey, J. S., Hummel, J., Koruth, J., Linz, D., Mittal, S., Nair, D. G., Nattel, S., Noseworthy, P. A., Steinberg, B. A., Trayanova, N. A., Wan, E. Y., … Wang, P. J. (2022).

Clinical impact of standardized TAVR technique and care pathway.JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions

Clinical impact of standardized TAVR technique and care pathway

Grubb, K. J., Gada, H., Mittal, S., Nazif, T., Rodés-Cabau, J., Fraser, D. G. W., Lin, L., Rovin, J. D., Khalil, R., Sultan, I., Gardner, B., Lorenz, D., Chetcuti, S. J., Patel, N. C., Harvey, J. E., Mahoney, P., Schwartz, B., Jafar, Z., Wang, J., … Yakubov, S. J. (2023).

Decreased serotonin transporter activity in the mitral valve contributes to progression of degenerative mitral regurgitationScience Translational Medicine

Decreased serotonin transporter activity in the mitral valve contributes to progression of degenerative mitral regurgitation

Castillero, E., Fitzpatrick, E., Keeney, S. J., D'Angelo, A. M., Pressly, B. B., Simpson, M. T., Kurade, M., Erwin, W. C., Moreno, V., Camillo, C., Shukla, H. J., Inamdar, V. V., Aghali, A., Grau, J. B., Salvati, E., Nissim, I., Rauova, L., Oyama, M. A., Stachelek, S. J., … Ferrari, G. (2023, January).