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Explore stories of strength and inspiration from Valley’s Fertility Center patients.
When Heather and her husband struggled for years to naturally start a family, they turned to The Valley Hospital Fertility Center to learn more about their options with in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
Two years after a hospitalization, Jill Marmo turned to The Valley Hospital Fertility Center for egg freezing. Then almost three years later after turning 40, Jill turned to the center again to begin the journey of starting a family.
At the age of 25, Lisa Flaherty did not think she would have to start thinking about her fertility, but when she received a cancer diagnosis, that changed, and Lisa turned to The Valley Hospital Fertility Center to discuss her options.
When Patrice and Yolanda started thinking about their road to family, they came across The Valley Hospital Fertility Center. After a six-year fertility journey, they welcomed their daughter, Judah, into the world.