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Read MoreThe Valley Hospital’s critical care team includes many clinical and non-clinical professionals, all of whom work together to meet patients’ and family members’ needs. Team members may vary depending on the specific critical care unit and may include:
Attending/Primary Care Physician
The physician who admits the patient to the hospital and generally oversees their care.
A medical doctor who specializes in treating critically ill patients.
Consulting Physician
A physician who is a specialist in a medical field other than that of the attending/primary care physician. Consulting physicians may be called in by the attending/primary care physician to provide opinions or specialized care that pertains to their specialty.
A physician who is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
Cardiothoracic Nurse Practitioner
A master’s-prepared nurse who, in collaboration with physicians, manages common postoperative conditions and is actively involved with the patient’s discharge process.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Registered Nurse
A member of the healthcare team who provides individualized treatment for a patient following a cardiac procedure or event. Treatments include early assessment, progressive mobilization, and education on cardiovascular disease, self-care and cardiac risk factors.
Critical Care/Cardiac Care Nurse
A registered nurse who cares for patients who require complex assessment, highly intensive therapies and interventions provided through continuous nursing vigilance. Critical care nurses rely upon a specialized body of knowledge, skills and experience to provide care to patients and families and create environments that are healing, humane and caring. Foremost, the critical care nurse is a patient advocate.
Patient Care Associate
A hospital-trained nursing assistant who provides bedside care such as bathing, blood drawing, EKGs and repositioning of patients.
Respiratory Therapist
A healthcare professional who focuses on the respiratory system of the patient. They monitor the patient’s breathing and the equipment associated with respiratory care.
Case Manager
A registered nurse who assesses for discharge planning needs such as visiting nurse services, medical equipment to use at home or transfer to a rehabilitation facility. They also review clinical data in the chart to provide information for insurance companies to ensure adequate coverage.
Social Worker
A credentialed counselor who provides assistance with issues that arise due to illness and hospitalization. They assess and assist with social matters, psychological concerns, and end-of-life issues. In addition, they work closely with the case manager for discharge planning.
Spiritual Care Representative
A spiritual counselor credentialed in spiritual care who offers spiritual and emotional support, sacramental care and support to patients and families during times of stress.
Business Associate
A hospital-trained unit secretary who directs phone calls, transcribes physician’s orders, and manages the patient’s chart.
A healthcare professional who focuses on the nutritional status of the patients. They assist the team by ensuring that the patient is receiving the best nutrition possible.
A healthcare professional registered to monitor and control the patient’s medications. They ensure the right medications at the right dosages are available.
Occupational Therapist
A healthcare professional credentialed to assess the patient’s ability to perform personal care activities such as feeding, bathing and grooming. Exercise and treatment are provided to achieve goals.
Physical Therapist
A healthcare professional credentialed to assess and treat patients who require rehabilitation due to an illness or surgery. In the critical care unit, they provide therapy at the bedside to increase strength, joint range of motion, and mobility within the patient’s tolerance.
Speech Therapist
A healthcare professional credentialed to assess and provide therapy to patients who have difficulty with communication and/or swallowing.
Palliative Care Team
Our interdisciplinary palliative care team specializes in managing pain and symptoms, providing additional emotional support, and assisting patients and families make difficult decisions. Many members of the critical care team are also members of the palliative care team.
Patient and Family Relations Representative
Valley's Patient and Family Relations department is comprised of registered nurses who assist the patient and family with issues such as patient advocacy, navigating the hospital system, notary services and accommodations, as well as assistance with other concerns that may arise.