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Read MoreValley’s Adoption Screening and Evaluation Program is pleased to offer these adoption and foster care resources. Please note that Valley does not oversee the content of these sites and cannot guarantee their total accuracy or completeness. However, we believe they’re good places to start when looking for news and information.
Adoptive Families of America
A national parent advocacy group with information about domestic and international adoption.
North American Council on Adoptable Children
National advocacy group providing information on resources, legislation and a wide range of adoption-related issues.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
A federally funded site with information about all aspects of adoption and foster care.
Healthy Foster Care America
This American Academy of Pediatrics website provides information on developmental and mental health, advocacy, and legislative issues and resources for parents, children, and professionals involved in foster care. - Adoption and Foster Care
This American Academy of Pediatrics website provides information on health, developmental and mental issues for families who have a child who has been in foster care or has been adopted.
Adoption Nutrition
Nutrition and feeding information for parents of children who have been in foster care and/or orphanage care.
Centers for Disease Control - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Centers for Disease Control - International Adoption: Health Guidance and Immigration Process
Intercountry Adoption, U.S. Department of State
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Local Parent Support and Information Resources
New Jersey Adoption Resource Clearing House
Adoptive Parents Committee
This group holds regular meetings and an annual conference in the greater New York/New Jersey metropolitan area.
Concerned Persons for Adoption
This group holds regular meetings and an annual conference in New Jersey.