Thank you for your interest in The Valley Hospital School of Radiography. On this page, you’ll find information regarding our application process, as well as forms that are required for admission to our program. 

The Valley Hospital School of Radiography is accepting applications as of January 1, 2025 for July 2025. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2025. Applications will not be accepted after this date, but we encourage applicants to apply in January 2026 for next year’s admission into the program.

Nondiscriminatory Practices: The School of Radiography has recruitment and admissions practices that are non-discriminatory with respect to any legally protected status such as race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin, and any other protected class.

Admissions Packet

The following forms are required for admission to the School of Radiography:

Physical and Technical Requirements
Application for Admission
Reference Form
Reference Cover Letter
Mandatory COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Form
Transcript Request Form 

Admissions Process

Once the completed admissions packet is mailed to The Valley Hospital School of Radiography:

  • Official transcripts must be sent directly from the institution(s) attended to The Valley Hospital School of Radiography.
  • Candidates meeting the admission criteria are scheduled for an advisement session with our admissions committee. 
  • Candidates will be notified by the School of Radiography if they are accepted.

The completed admissions packet, including transcripts and letters of recommendation, should be mailed to:

The Valley Hospital School of Radiography
223 N. Van Dien Avenue
Ridgewood, NJ 07450-2736


Request official transcripts from all of the schools you have attended (all colleges attended, vocational schools, etc.).

Only official transcripts will be considered in processing your application. Official transcripts are those transcripts sent directly from one school to another without student receipt and include an official seal of the school. If you attended school under another name, please have the school include your current name as well as your former name(s). This applies to all transcripts and evaluations.

Holders of GED (General Education Development) diplomas must have official GED test results mailed directly to Valley. Write or call:

New Jersey Department of Education
Office of Specialized Populations, GED Testing
P.O. Box 500
Trenton, NJ 08625-0500
609-292-4469 for exact procedures

Letters of Recommendation

Two letters of recommendation are required. Make sure you complete your section of the reference form. The individual completing the letter of reference must complete the form and write a letter of reference. Applicants must obtain letters from an employer, supervisor, previous college instructor or any other non-family professional contact who can address character and academic abilities. Letters from friends or family are NOT acceptable.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to notify references, high schools and colleges to forward the requested information directly to The Valley Hospital School of Radiography.

Admissions Criteria

Applicants are considered on a competitive basis each admission period. The selection process is governed by the program’s admission committee. Applicants must meet the following admissions criteria:

  • Completed application packet submitted to The Valley Hospital School of Radiography
  • Associates Degree or higher
  • All official transcripts from institutions of higher learning
  • Prerequisite Courses:
    • Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab
    • Human Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab
    • College Level Math/Algebra
    • Computer Science
    • Psychology/ Social Science
    • College English/ Writing
  • Evidence of interest and knowledge of the field demonstrated in the student's essay
  • Recommendations and an advisement session

Pre-Placement Physical Examinations

A required pre-placement physical exam is provided by The Valley Hospital Employee Health and Wellness department and consists of:

  • The completion of medical history, including documentation of all immunizations
  • Physical examination by an occupational health professional
  • Laboratory testing of blood and urine
  • Tuberculosis skin testing
  • Drug screen

No student is permitted to participate in any clinical activity until medical clearance is received.

ARRT Ethics Requirements

The ARRT Ethics Board will determine the applicant’s eligibility to take the national certification examination in Radiography. The ARRT requires the candidate to answer the following ethics-related questions on the application form when applying for initial certification: 

  • “Have you ever been charged with or convicted in court of a misdemeanor or felony (including conviction of a similar offense in a military court-martial)? 
  • Has a regulatory authority or certification board—other than ARRT—ever:
    • Denied, revoked, or suspended your professional license, permit, registration, or certification; or 
    • Placed you on probation (excluding ARRT Continuing Education probation), under consent agreement, or under consent order; or 
    • Allowed voluntary surrender of your professional license, permit, registration, or certification; or  
    • Subjected you to any conditions or disciplinary actions by such an organization?              
  • While attending an educational program to meet ARRT certification and registration requirements, were you ever suspended, dismissed, or expelled from that program?” 

Students are encouraged to consider completing the ethics review pre-application review of eligibility for ARRT national certification if you answer yes to any of the three questions above. 


Mammography Clinical Rotation Policy

The Radiography program sponsored by The Valley Hospital offers the placement of all students, male and female, in clinical mammography rotations to observe and/or perform breast imaging (additionally, the policy may be applied to any imaging procedures performed by professionals who are of the opposite gender of the patient).

All students will be offered the opportunity to participate in clinical mammography rotations, if requested. Male and female students are advised that observation of mammography procedures is dependent on the permission of the patient.

Student clinical rotations in mammography are based on the sound rationale presented in a position statement on student clinical mammography rotations adopted by the Board of Directors of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) at its April 2016 meeting.  The JRCERT position statement is included as an addendum to the student handbook and is also available on the JRCERT Web site,, Programs & Faculty, Program Resources.

Criminal Background Check

Students entering the program are required to have a criminal background check provided by the Human Resources department of The Valley Hospital.