STRUCTURAL EMPOWERMENT focuses on nursing professional development, recognition, and community involvement.
New Hospital Training: Caring for Various Patient Populations
In 2023, RNs and PCAs from several units were cross trained to care for different patient populations. This was needed because in the new hospital, several units and staff will merge into one unit.
- To balance staffing the units, precepting new hires, and cross-training staff, the unit clinical practice specialists/unit-based APNs provided unit-specific education to the staff and 1 to 1 precepting on the units was also completed. To ensure that the staff retained the knowledge gained, a maintenance plan was put in place where staff are preassigned to the other unit. This helps them continue to use their new skills with the new patient population and build relationships with the staff on the other unit. In April 2024, the units and staff will merge.
In 2023, a four-step comprehensive training plan was also developed to educate 3,300 staff on the new environment of the new hospital and departments and train them on new devices and technology. Talent Development and Nursing Professional Development, along with Facilities and consultant CBRE, met monthly to discuss training needs for the staff to be able to care for patients in the new hospital. Lora Bognar, PhD, RN, APN, NE-BC, Director of Nursing Professional Development/Simulation Center, and Carolyn Ross, Director of Talent Development, collaboratively developed a training plan to meet the learning needs of all hospital employees, including both staff and providers.
Mother/Baby Unit Adds Video Discharge Instructions
In 2022, the Mother/Baby Shared Governance Committee created, filmed, and implemented discharge videos for postpartum and newborn patients. These videos allowed for clear and consistent information in a different format that enhanced patients’ understanding of their education. After these videos were implemented, the Press Ganey scores for the query “Nurses explained in a way you understand” increased from 1.43% pre-implementation to 94.12% post-implementation. Nursing satisfaction regarding the discharge process also increased from 23.5% pre-implementation to 90.5% post-implementation.
On the heels of this huge success, the teams wanted to enhance the discharge process for patients where English was not their first language. Since Spanish is the next most common language, the teams partnered with Spanish-speaking providers to translate both scripts. The videos were then filmed again utilizing Spanish-speaking frontline staff members. These videos went live in the fall of 2023. They have been published on the external Valley site, along with our discharge videos in English. They have also been highlighted in our Valley clinic, where they have a large Spanish-speaking population, as a resource in the pre- and post-natal periods for a patient’s care. These videos have been a great partnership with The Valley Hospital and community settings in providing safe and efficient care to all.
Nurses Week in Photos
Performance Improvement at The Valley Hospital
The Performance Improvement team (PI), part of the Quality and Performance Improvement Department, focuses on robust performance improvement efforts throughout The Valley Hospital. Using the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, they look to create measurable improvements across all disciplines. In 2023, the PI team educated over 200 Valley employees, including bedside nurses, CSS/CPS, nurse managers, directors, and AVPs, about using the PDCA method and Lean Six Sigma tools. The team also focused on re-establishing four Clinical PI Subcommittees, part of shared governance. These subcommittees are made up of nurses and other multidisciplinary frontline employees in the areas of Women’s and Children's, Inpatient, Clinical & Support Department, and Interventional/Perioperative.
Performance Improvement Efforts for Improving Cath Lab Value Stream
In the fall of 2022, a value stream analysis (VSA) of Valley’s cardiac catheterization laboratory was co-facilitated by a continuous improvement specialist from the nationally ranked Cleveland Clinic and the Quality & Performance Improvement (QPI) team from Valley. The week-long event included approximately 25 representatives from each different area with a stake in the process, including nurses, technicians, and other multidisciplinary staff. Lean Six Sigma methods were utilized during the event to help identify and prioritize process gaps and ultimately helped devise a plan for future improvement work.
Since the VSA, PI initiatives have been aimed at some of the identified opportunities. One project was focused on reducing nursing process time when conducting pre-procedure phone calls. Time spent per patient was reduced by 85% after implementation of standardized pre-catheterization order sets. In the fall of 2023, the continuous improvement specialist returned to Valley to co-facilitate a rapid improvement event (RIE), which is a lean tool focused on improving a piece of the value stream and consists of a smaller team of stakeholders. This RIE focused on changing the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) recovery process. In the event, a team of nurses, APNs, and technicians rapidly planned and implemented interventions to meet the goal of recovering low-risk TAVR patients in Same Day Medicine (SDM) and admitting them to the cardiac stepdown unit, thereby reducing utilization of critical care resources. The team set a goal to recover 40% of the low-risk TAVR patients with this new process by the end of February 2024. Since the first successful TAVR to cardiac stepdown recovery in November, 67% of low-risk patients who underwent a TAVR procedure successfully recovered in SDM followed by the cardiac stepdown unit.
Valley Voice of Nursing - Support Group for Frontline Nurses Rebranded!
There is growing evidence linking quality of patient care and experience with staff well-being. Nurse Peer Review has been an avenue for frontline nurses to have a forum for facilitated debriefing and reflection. It has been a forum for safe discussion and peer support through the guidance of the quality and performance improvement team. Working closely with our integrative healing practices group, we are expanding the Nurse Peer Review into a new phase: Valley Voice of Nursing
At Valley Voice of Nursing, the well-being of nurses is prioritized. Work-related stress and mental health issues among nurses and healthcare staff remain high, and having a forum for emotional support is imperative. With holistic nursing and QPI guiding discussion, a safe space for conversations can provide open and honest conversations between peers. There is growth in sharing, and the Valley Voice of Nursing opens its doors to allow nurses to provide opportunities to support their peers.
The holistic nurses and Quality and Performance Improvement look forward to hosting the Valley Voice of Nursing sessions throughout 2024. Stay tuned for details on times and locations!
Vibe Committee Events
The Vibe Committee had another great year hosting events for staff resilience! Check out some photos from featured events like Share the Love, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, Upcycle, Pumpkin Palooza, Apple Fest, and Caroling!
Daisy Awards
Each year, we recognize a monthly winner from The Valley Hospital, and a quarterly winner from Valley Home Care, with the DAISY Award.
Valley Announces President’s Scholars
Since 2005, the Valley President’s Scholarship program has recognized employees who, in furthering their education, have dedicated themselves to advancing the field of healthcare. President’s Scholars are recognized in our organization for high performance, a commitment to quality, and potential for leadership.
Congratulations to this year’s nurse recipients:
Erica Lui, RN
Nurture Specialist, The Valley Hospital
Kelly Lo Presti, RN
The Valley Hospital
DeAnna Kearney, BSN, RN, CAPA
Manager, Endoscopy, The Valley Hospital
Nurses Week 2023
Nurses Week Award Winners
Congratulations to the Nurses Week Award Winners!
Rising Star: Ibrahim Abouelnaga, RN, Service Line Supervisor, Anesthesia
“Ibrahim is a full-time employee in the operating room and is known for his high standard of performance. He cares for colleagues, patients and family members with respect and dignity and is a great asset to this hospital, as well as the local and national community. He is a recent bachelor’s degree graduate and has successfully completed the peri-op 101 class. Ibrahim’s servitude is embedded in his work ethic and speaks volumes of his character. It is without a doubt that Ibrahim will continue to grow with ease and success at Valley.”
Congratulations, Ibrahim!
Nurse of the Year: Yesenia Reyes, RN, Clinical Decision Unit
“Yesenia is well known for her compassion and energy. She is always courteous and helpful to others. She is highly respected by her peers and appreciated by her patients because of the way she treats others. Yesenia adapts her plan of care to include and meet the age-specific and cultural needs of her patients. Yesenia is seen as a very positive person on the team and exhibits a ‘win-win’ philosophy. Yesenia is efficient and thorough in her work and finishes the job in a timely manner. The combination of her high ethical standards and experience enables her to be an excellent mentor and example to other employees.”
Congratulations, Yesenia!
Nurse Leader of the Year: Bridget Corsi, RN, Clinical Shift Supervisor, Emergency Department
“Bridget is highly respected by those with whom she comes in contact and is an exemplary role model to others in the unit, as well as the hospital. Bridget represents the hospital well as she strives for excellence in problem-solving and patient care. Bridget shows great concern for the welfare of others and is actively involved in finding solutions to difficult challenges. She provides excellent care to her patients, often going the extra step to make sure the patients and family members are comfortable and secure. Her work ethic is an example of the mission statement of Valley ‘We provide excellence in patient-centered healthcare for our community.’”
Congratulations, Bridget!
Total Joint for Hip and Knee Replacement Received Re-Certification
On May 10, 2023, the Total Joint Program for Hip and Knee Replacement was surveyed by the Joint Commission for re-certification and passed with flying colors. They traced a patient from pre-op to the post-anesthesia care unit, to Cheel 4NA (orthopedic unit), and then interviewed the patient regarding the experience. The patient was so appreciative and complimentary, stating that our nurses are “excellent and went above and beyond his expectations.” The surveyor was impacted by the efforts the program makes to educate the patient and their family. Special recognition was paid to the Nurse Navigator, Amanda Kelly, RN. Amanda works diligently to prepare the patient for what is to come before, during, and after discharge, and is available to answer any questions or concerns throughout their recovery. The implementation of an educational APP, Total Joint Class via video link, and follow-up telephone calls were highlighted as services leading to our success. The multidisciplinary team of RNs, physical therapists, and case managers all spoke to their roles eloquently, and the surveyor said that our program is the epitome of “teamwork makes the dream work.” Valley’s Hip and Knee Replacement Program has achieved the designation of “High-Performing” (the highest available) in orthopedics from U.S. News & World Report for 2023-2024, which validates the care and dedication to excellence Valley nurses provide.
Awards & Distinctions
Following are a selection of awards Valley was honored to receive in 2023. Click here for a full list of awards and distinctions!

Healthgrades Names The Valley Hospital a 2023 Patient Safety Excellence Award Recipient

The Valley Hospital Ranked Among Money’s 25 Best Hospitals for Pediatrics

The Valley Hospital Earns an ‘A’ Hospital Safety Grade from The Leapfrog Group
The Valley Hospital was recognized with an “A” grade for patient safety twice in 2023 for the 20th and 21st times! Click here to read more about the fall designation!

The Valley Hospital Receives the America’s 100 Best Hospitals Award for Stroke Care and Critical Care

The Valley Hospital Ranked Among the Best Hospitals in New Jersey

Valley’s Bariatric Surgery Center Receives Re-Accreditation

The Valley Hospital Named One of America's 100 Best Hospitals for 2023 by Healthgrades

The Valley Hospital Earns National Recognition for Commitment to Providing High-Quality Stroke Care

Valley Named Among World’s Best Hospitals by Newsweek