From the Chief Nursing Officer

March 2024
Welcome to the 2023 Valley Health System Nursing Annual Report.
By the time you read this, we will be several weeks into providing care at our new hospital in Paramus. It will be an exciting time for us all. Thank you for being part of our future.
Change can be difficult, uncertain and stressful, and while our move has been all of that at times for each of us, it has also been exciting, rewarding and fulfilling, particularly in these final days before opening.
They say hard work is its own reward, and I salute all Valley nurses whose very hard work in planning, simulating, moving, and finally caring for patients has turned our dream into reality.
With its position as the centerpiece of a health and wellness campus, The Valley Hospital no longer stands alone, and neither do its nurses. Our nursing colleagues at Valley Home Care and Valley Medical Group have supported the project in countless ways, and I thank them for their support, collaboration and expertise. I have been overwhelmed with the enthusiasm, pride and old-fashioned determination on display throughout Valley Health System.
The only honor larger than being part of this once-in-a-lifetime project is to share the experience with each of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the role you played. We have done this together.
Charles Vannoy, DNP, RN, MBA, FACHE, NEA-BC, HN-BC
Vice President, Patient Care Services
Chief Nursing Officer
Valley Health System Mission, Vision, and Values Statements
Nursing Mission, Vision, and Philosophy Statements
National Board Certifications Obtained in 2023
Corinne Albarella, BSN, RN, CCRN, VA-BC, HN-BC
Holistic Nurse Board Certified
Dahiana Arenas, BSN, RN, HNB-BC
OASIS-E Certification
Jessie Boyer, COS-C, GERO-BC
Medical-Surgical Nursing Board Certified
Ryan Caicedo, BSN, RN-BC
Medical-Surgical Nursing Board Certified
Cathleen Cassidy, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Bridget Corsi, BSN, RN, NE-BC
Nurse Executive Board Certified
Jilyan Cruzado, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Nicole Curran, BSN, RN, C-EFM
Electronic Fetal Monitoring Certification
Erica D’Elia, BSN, RN, IBCLC
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Libby Frenkel, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Diana Goldfarb, MSN, RN-BC, FNP-C
Family Nurse Practitioner Certified
Lauren Goodell, BSN, RN, NE-BC
Nurse Executive Board Certified
Jason Green, MA, BSN, RN-BC
Medical-Surgical Nursing Board Certified
Carol Hernandez, ASN, RN, PED-BC
Pediatric Nurse Board Certified
Amanda Kelly, MSN, RN, HN-BC, ONC
Orthopedic Nurse Certified
Diana Larre, RN, BSN, C-EFM, RNC-OB
Registered Nurse Certified-Inpatient Obstetric Nursing
Anna Lee, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Kelly LoPresti, MSN, RN, NP-C, CNRN
Nurse Practitioner Certified
Arianna Marcoux, BSN, RN, HNB-BC
Holistic Nurse Baccalaureate Board Certified
Samantha Martin, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Laura Michalski, COS-C
OASIS-E Certification
Victoria Moore, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Bernadette Negrin, HCSH
Hospice ICD Coding
Justine Norton, BSN, RN, NE-BC, HN-BC
Holistic Nurse Board Certified
Jamie Oltar, BSN, RN, CEN
Certified Emergency Nurse
Mary Beth Plotzke, MSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Jessica Plummer, BSN, RN, OCN
Oncology Certified Nurse
Andrea Riteski, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Michelle Ryan, CNL, NE-BC
Nurse Executive Certification
Gabriela Salas, BSN, RN, CEN
Certified Emergency Nurse
Micaela Sanchez, DNP, RN, CPNP-AC, CPNP-PC
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care/Pediatric Primary Care
Sinae Saraceno, BSN, RNC-MNN
Maternal Newborn Nursing Certification
Karen Sorkin, WOCN
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification
Lauren Unrath, RN, BSN, CCRN, HN-BC
Holistic Nurse Board Certified
Vanessa Uyola, BSN, RN, CCRN
Critical Care Registered Nurse
Melissa Valle, BSN, RN, HNB-BC
Holistic Nurse Baccalaureate Board Certified
Gina Vergara-Padilla, COS-C
OASIS-E Certification
J. Olivia Voellmicke, MSN, RN, MEDSURG-BC
Medical-Surgical Nursing Board Certified
Sara Wolfson, BSN, RN, MEDSURG-BC
Medical-Surgical Nursing Board Certified
Formal Degrees Conferred in 2023
- Sahil Ahlawat, MSN, RN
- Lynsey Bello, MSW (w/ specialization in Clinical Nurse Educator)
- Catherine Brown, MSN, RN, PMGT-BC
- Kim DiGregorio, BSN
- Donna Dugger, MSN
- Malka Fogel, MSN
- Diana Goldfarb, MSN, RN-BC, FNP-C
- Danielle Henricksen, MSN-Ed, RN
- Sharon Jaffin, MSN, RN-BC
- Patricia Jimenez, BSN
- Samantha Love, MSN, RN-Ped BC
- Caroline Meza, PhD, RN, CEN, NPD-BC
- Jordan Minnema, MSN, RN, LSSGB-HC
- Christina Murphy, BSN
- Manpreet Narula, MSN, RN, RN-BC, HN-BC
- June Onyango, BSN
- Carla Panta, MSN, RN
- Mary Beth Plotzke, MSN, RNC-MNN
- Micaela Sanchez, DNP, RN, CPNP-AC, CPNP-PC
- Sobeida Santana-Joseph, MSN, MBA, RN, NE-BC, LSSBB, OCN
- Mark Tolsma, NP
- Elizabeth Varghese, DNP, MHA, RN, HN-BC
- Jamie Zavardino, FNP-C, RN-BC
Degrees and Certifications at The Valley Hospital
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
% BSN or Higher Nursing Degree | 85.0 | 85.0 | 88.0 | 89.0 | 89.0 | 90.0 |
% Nurses Certified | 42.0 | 46.0 | 55.0 | 50.0 | 49.0 | 43.0 |
2023 Editorial Team
- Charles Vannoy, DNP, RN, MBA, FACHE, NEA-BC, HN-BC
Vice President, Patient Care Services
Chief Nursing Officer Executive Editors
- Caroline Meza, PhD, RN, CEN, NPD-BC
Nurse Scientist - Katie Ver Hage, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, IBCLC
Manager, Maternal Fetal Medicine Editorial Board
- Stephanie Ardito
Manager, Communications and Marketing - Joseph Ballesteros, BSN, RN, PCCN
Clinical Shift Supervisor - Josephine Bodino, DNP, MPA, RN, NEA-BC, HN-BC
Assistant Vice President, Professional Practice/PCS Finance - Lora Bognar, PhD, RN, ANP-BC
Director, Clinical Partnership and Nursing Programs - Laura Carey
Associate, Communications and Marketing - Jacqueline Gardocki , MBA, MSN, BSN, RN, CNOR, CASC
Manager, OR Luckow Pavilion - Joshua Gregoire, MS, MOH, RN, NEA-BC
Assistant Vice President, Quality/Performance Improvement and Valley Medical Group Clinical Operations - Emma Hagedoorn
Associate, Communications and Marketing - Carmen Makino, BSN, RN
Clinical Manager, Specialty Team, Valley Home Care - Karen O'Keefe, BSN, RN, ONC, CCRP
Total Joint Replacement Coordinator - Kenneth Parker, MBA
Director, Communications and Marketing - Jamie Pennetta
Associate, Communications and Marketing - Rosemarie Ranuro, RN, MSN, CPNP
Director of Clinical Services, Valley Home Care - Monika Reisenauer, MSN, APRN, NNP-BC
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner