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Read MorePrenatal & Parent Education Powered by YoMingo
Valley’s Pregnancy to Parenthood app, powered by YoMingo®, puts trusted pregnancy and childbirth information in the palm of your hand!
Our free education program includes the tools and support you need at every stage of pregnancy through the first year of your child’s life. Follow your baby’s development, manage your prenatal health, and stay connected to Valley’s services for moms and babies anytime, anywhere.
The Pregnancy to Parenthood app powered by YoMingo gives you access to:
- Week-by-week information to track pregnancy milestones
- Evidence-based information on pregnancy, labor and birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, and newborn care, including animations and videos
- Kick counter and contraction timer
- Feeding and immunization logs
- Everything you need to know about having a baby at Valley’s Center for Childbirth
- Information on our newborn and pediatric services
Let’s Get Started!
Register for Pregnancy to Parenthood by providing a few details on our registration page.
Register for Pregnancy to Parenthood
Once you’ve successfully registered, you’ll receive an email from [email protected] with instructions to create your unique login.
Download the App
Pregnancy to Parenthood powered by YoMingo is available on any desktop, tablet or mobile device. Search for “myYoMingo” in your device’s app store to download our mobile app version.
You can also log in at