Tune in to Health!

Valley's Community Health department is pleased to offer health education videos on a variety of topics, presented by Valley's own educators and health specialists.

Learn more about health topics that interest you and explore ways to get healthier!

For more information on any of the health topics on this page, email us at [email protected].

Video Library

healthy eating

Eat to Fuel Your Body, Not Your Emotions

Join us for an informative lecture on working through roadblocks to nutritious eating to help cultivate healthier relationships with your body.

afib in black americans
Black Health and Wellness

Atrial Fibrillation in Black Americans

Learn about AFib and the latest treatment options available here at Valley.

Healthcare on Your Terms
Health and Wellness

Healthcare on Your Terms: Communicating Your Values and Wishes

Discover how to identify what matters most, how to share the information, and how to navigate crucial healthcare conversations.
perimenopause woman
Women's Health

Perimenopause: What is Happening?

What are these odd symptoms and uncomfortable conversations I need to have? Join us to learn what to expect during this stage of womanhood so you can better embrace and accept all to come.
my aching back thumbnail
Back Pain, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

My Aching Back

Learn about the different causes of back pain, as well as the latest treatment options available.

better sleep
Sleep Medicine, Black Health and Wellness

Better Sleep for Black Men and Women

Sleep is a crucial factor for overall health. In the African American community, both men and women have higher rates of sleep apnea, more so than other cultures. Join us to hear more!