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Read MoreFact: Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries and trauma-related hospitalizations in the United States.
Another fact: Falling is not an inevitable part of aging. Many falls can be prevented – and Valley can help.
The Valley Approach to Fall Prevention
Gravity, The Valley Hospital’s fall prevention program, provides comprehensive fall prevention assessment and treatment for patients who have fallen or are at risk of falling. If you know your risks and develop a personal fall prevention strategy, you can avoid falls.
Physical therapists, occupational therapists and pharmacists are all part of the Gravity team.
Are You at Risk for Falling?
You may be at risk for falls if:
- You cannot get out of a chair without using your hands for support
- You cannot balance on one leg for at least five seconds without holding on to something
- You have fallen before
- You are concerned about falling
- You have vision impairment
- You have problems with balance
- You have dizziness or vertigo
- You experience lightheadedness when standing up
What to Expect at Your Assessment
At your initial assessment, you’ll meet with a physical therapist, an occupational therapist and a pharmacist. The assessment involves taking your medical history and assessing your gait, balance, range of motion, strength, sensation, vision, cognitive ability and medication use. You’ll also be asked about your home environments, recreational activity and concerns about your balance.
If you are at risk for falls, a detailed fall prevention treatment plan will be developed to address your needs. The assessment results will be sent to your primary care physician or any other physician of your choosing.
Insurance Coverage
Fall prevention assessments are covered by Medicare and most other insurance carriers. We can help you find out if your visit is covered. When you call to make your appointment, please have your insurance information available.
Where Do I Go for My Assessment?
Gravity is located at Valley's Outpatient Rehabilitation Center in Ridgewood.